Multimedia Presentations

This semester, you will be responsible for a multimedia presentation based upon a TV-based topic: 


  1. Approximately 10 minutes in length
  2. 10-12 slides in length—cover slide and works cited not included in total
  3. Include at least 1 multimedia clip (no longer than 1.5 minutes in length)—embedded clips are highly recommended
  4. MLA Style works cited slide—not included in total and not presented
  5. Should be submitted to Canvas no later than day of presentation 


  1. You may utilize any presentation program you like (PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, etc.)
  2. Introduction and conclusion slides are mandatory—presentations without an introduction and/or conclusion cannot score higher than a C 

Sign-up forms:


  1. Does Not Compute: Can Technology Racially Discriminate?
  2. Who are the Amish?
  3. Asian Icons on TV: Lt. Sulu, Kelly Kapoor, and Dr. Cristina Yang
  4. Understanding the Rodney King Riots
  5. A Brief History of Muslims in America
  6. Latine, Latinx, Hispanic, and Latino: Terms Defined
  7. Anatomy of a Banned Book: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  8. Dishonored: The Laura Ingalls Wilder Controversy
  9. Discarded and Forgotten: The Plight of the Amerasians
  10. Why Bridgerton Matters
  11. The Debate Over Disney’s Song of the South 
  12. White Evangelicals: A Snapshot
  13. Baseball Breakthroughs: Moses Fleetwood Walker, Luis Castro, and Masanori Murakami
  14. Accents of New York: Queens, Brooklyn, and The Bronx
  15. Native American Sports Names and Mascots: Inside the Debate
  16. A Brief Introduction to Blaxploitation
  17. Deplorable: Inside DW Griffith’s Birth of a Nation 
  18. Transracialism: Rachel Dolezal, Hilaria Baldwin, and Racial Identity
  19. Who are the Cajuns and Creoles?
  20. The Elite: Inside America's Black Upper Class
  21. The Generations by Race: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z
  22. Why The Cosby Show Mattered
  23. Latino Icons on TV: Ricky Ricardo, Ugly Betty, and Gloria Pritchett
  24. The Poorest Whites: Life in Appalachia
  25. How #OscarsSoWhite Changed Hollywood
  26. Five American Scientists of Color You Should Know
  27. Thank You, (Don't) Come Again: The Battle Over Apu
  28. Why Ms. Marvel Matters
  29. Lost History: The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre
  30. What to Know About DNA Ancestry Tests
  31. A Brief History of Passing in America
  32. Nachos, Mozzarella Sticks, and Fortune Cookies: How America Transformed Mexican, Italian, and Chinese Foods
  33. To be “Shanghaied” in Portland
  34. Accents of America: Boston, Minnesota, and the Mississippi Delta
  35. Understanding the Zoot Suit Riots
  36. A Brief History of the Chinese in America
  37. Who are the WASPs?
  38. The Colored Comet: Why Jackie Robinson Mattered
  39. Lost History: The Los Angeles Chinese Massacre of 1871
  40. Racially White, Ethnically Hispanic: On the Confusing Classifications of Latinos on the US Census


Sec. 96 Schedule:

Week 7:

  1. Miguel V. - Understanding the Rodney King Riots 

Week 8: 

  1. Sam S. - How #OscarsSoWhite Changed Hollywood

Week 9: 

  1. Camila S - Accents of New York: Queens, Brooklyn, and The Bronx

Week 10: 

  1. Erick D. - Understanding the Zoot Suit Riots
  2. Ryan M. - Why Ms. Marvel Matters

Week 11: 

  1. Nancy N. - Discarded and Forgotten: The Plight of Amerasians
  2. Minh T. - A Brief History of Muslims in America
  3. Eric G. - The Poorest Whites: Life in Appalachia

Week 12:

  1. Anderson C. - A Brief History of the Chinese in America
  2. Ethan H. - Transracialism: Rachel Dolezal, Hilaria Baldwin, and Racial Identity
  3. Carla M. - Latino Icons on TV: Ricky Ricardo, Ugly Betty, and Gloria Pritchett

Week 13:

  1. Roberto P. - The Generations by Race: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z
  2. Candy M. - Latine, Latinx, Hispanic, and Latino: Terms Defined
  3. Davis V. - Five American Scientists of Color You Should Know

Week 14:

  1. Jasmine S. - Who are the Amish?
  2. Audrey B. - What to Know About DNA Ancestry Tests
  3. Francisco P. - The Elite: Inside America's Black Upper Class

Week 15: 

  1. Crystal B. - Racially White, Ethnically Hispanic: On the Confusing Classifications of Latinos in the US Census
  2. Frank V. - The Colored Comet: Why Jackie Robinson Mattered

 Week 16:

  1. Loren P. - A Brief History of Passing in America 


Sec. 97 Schedule:

Week 9:

  1. Keijon S. - The Debate Over Disney’s Song of the South
  2. Ved J. - Does Not Compute: Can Technology Racially Discriminate? 
  3. Sofia A. - How #OscarsSoWhite Changed Hollywood

Week 10:

  1. Greta F. - Latine, Latinx, Hispanic, and Latino: Terms Defined 
  2. Cloud T. - White Evangelicals: A Snapshot

Week 11:

  1. Sarah D. - The Poorest Whites: Life in Appalachia
  2. Tiffany T. - What to Know About DNA Ancestry Tests 
  3. Jennifer P. - A Brief History of Muslims in America

Week 12:

  1. Christian L. - Five American Scientists of Color you Should Know
  2. Thy T. - Lost History: The Los Angeles Chinese Massacre of 1871
  3. Anthony G - Accents of New York: Queens, Brooklyn, and The Bronx

Week 13:

  1. Ekjot M. - Nachos, Mozzarella Sticks, and Fortune Cookies: How America Transformed Mexican, Italian, and Chinese Foods
  2. Kelly L. - Asian Icons on TV: Lt. Sulu, Kelly Kapoor, and Dr. Cristina Yang
  3. Riley A. - Ready to Heat and Serve: The History of TV Dinners

Week 14:

  1. Juan B. - Latino Icons on TV: Ricky Ricardo, Ugly Betty, and Gloria Pritchett
  2. Caleb S. - Transracialism: Rachel Dolezal, Hilaria Baldwin, and Racial Identity

Week 15:

  1. Jana Mariel D. - Five American Scientist of Color You Should Know About
  2. Edward R. - Who are the WASPs?

Week 16:

  1. Kyleigh G. - Why Ms. Marvel Matters  
  2. Evelyn A. - Lost History: The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre